Wrinkles are an unfortunate part of the ageing process, caused as a result of changes in our skin. Over time, it gets thinner, drier and loses its elasticity. It takes longer for the body to produce fresh skins cells and collagen – which renew and plump out the surface – so signs of ageing are more obvious. Antiwrinkle injections are used to reduce or stop muscle movement, this reduces fine lines across various areas of the face. however these injections can also be used for other effects such as under arm sweating or reducing ‘gummy smiles’. see below for our treatment list.

Treatment areas

Muscle Relaxers blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles. The injected muscle can no longer contract, which causes the wrinkles to relax and softenthese wrinkle reducing treatments require a full consultation 2 days before treatment, a £40 deposit is required.

1 AREA- bunny lines, eye smile lines only



2 AREAS- forehead and frown lines are always treated together



3 AREAS- all areas included



This is a prescription only medication, you will see our prescriber Sinead prior to your appointment. A secondary appointment will be offered foe tweeking and to review.

Additional treatments

This form of treatment is also effective in resolving other concerns.

Gummy Smile

injections above the lip to reduce excessive lip elevation preventing the over exposure of the gum line



masseter muscle

injections directly into the masseter muscle thin the appearance of the jaw line, it also helps reduce teeth grinding and improve migraines




injections are placed in the underarms resulting in reduced excessive sweating



platysma bands

to reduce platysma bands on the neck they are injected, resulting in a more youthful look



Eyebrow lift

stratigic injections under the brow to help elevate and shape the brow

